
rare earth Learn more about rare earth

  • Attention to the Application of rare Earth Fertilizer in Walnut Orchard

    Attention to the Application of rare Earth Fertilizer in Walnut Orchard

    The content of rare earth elements in plants is very low, and the contents of different organs vary greatly, generally distributed as follows: roots, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds, and about 80% of the rare earth elements absorbed by plants are concentrated in the roots. The application of rare earth fertilizer to walnut trees can promote the response of roots to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and

    2020-11-27 Stone peach orchard application rare earth micro-fertilizer attention plant body
  • Is it affected by the harm of rare earth elements in tea? How can there be rare earth elements in tea?

    Is it affected by the harm of rare earth elements in tea? How can there be rare earth elements in tea?

    A few years ago, most of the 10, 000 boxes of tea MOU in Beinong could not be realized, so the pesticide residues exceeded the standard. Or does the content of rare earth elements exceed the standard? Chen Jizhong, chairman of the Council of Agriculture, believes that the MOU jump of Beinong's tea is related to China's unique testing standards for rare earth elements, not pesticides.

    2019-04-04 Tea containing rare earth elements is harmful has an impact what how?
  • The effect of rare earth feeding on fish is good.

    The effect of rare earth feeding on fish is good.

    Rare earth refers to the general name of 17 metal elements in the periodic table, including lanthanum, praseodymium, neodymium, cerium, samarium and so on. Among them, cerium accounts for 48%, lanthanum 25%, neodymium 16%, praseodymium 5%, samarium 2%, and other 12 elements 4%. In recent years, rare earth has become an important resource for national economy and national defense construction. Not only can it be widely used as an industrial vitamin in metallurgy, machinery, petroleum, chemical industry, light industry, electronics and other industries, but also can be used as micro-fertilizer in agricultural production. In fishery production, feeding rare earths to fish also has a very good effect. According to the test

  • Rare earth feed for breeding fish and adult fish

    Rare earth feed for breeding fish and adult fish

    In the feed for breeding fish and adult fish, the proportion of rare king can not only improve the utilization rate of feed, but also promote the growth of fish, enhance its disease resistance, play the role of disease prevention and treatment, reduce the death of fish, and improve economic benefits. The blending method of feeding fish is as follows: 40-50 grams of rare earth or 1 packet of rare earth additive, dissolve with a little vinegar or acid water, then 0.5 kg of water, spray evenly on 60 kg concentrate feed with sprayer, spray while mixing, if there is a magazine, it can be made into puffed feed, and the effect is better.

  • Cultivation techniques of grape

    Cultivation techniques of grape

    Cultivation techniques of grape

  • Freshwater nuclear pearl culture management technology: is the price of freshwater nuclear pearl expensive? Pearl, fresh water or sea water?

    Freshwater nuclear pearl culture management technology: is the price of freshwater nuclear pearl expensive? Pearl, fresh water or sea water?

    The choice of pearl cultivation water body is at least more than 2000 centimeters, there is micro-running water, the water depth is more than 2m, the water is too shallow, pearl clam is vulnerable to hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and.

  • Spraying rare Earth solution to promote the growth of Flammulina velutipes

    Spraying rare Earth solution to promote the growth of Flammulina velutipes

    In the cultivation of Flammulina velutipes, spraying rare earth solution on the mushroom bed (culture bag) can promote the mycelium growth and improve the yield and quality of Flammulina velutipes. The specific method is: spray rare earth solution every 3 days, spray 500 milliliters per square meter of mushroom bed, and spray clear water every day to maintain relative humidity.

  • Chemical control and management technology of protecting flowers and increasing pods of soybean

    Chemical control and management technology of protecting flowers and increasing pods of soybean

    1. The application of rare earth elements, also known as rare earth micro-fertilizer or rare earth nitrate, is a new type of rare earth element fertilizer pioneered and popularized in China. In the seedling stage and the first flowering stage of soybean, spraying rare earth solution with concentrations of 0.03% and 0.08% respectively can increase grain protein content by 5.9%, fat content by 8.5%, and increase yield by 15%. 20%. 2. Paclobutrazol (paclobutrazol), also known as chlorbutrazol (PP333), is a new type of plant growth.

  • Soybean chemical control technology

    Soybean chemical control technology

    Using chemical technology to control cultivation is a new technology in agricultural production. The chemical control cultivation of soybean can regulate the growth and development of the plant, increase the flower, protect the pod and increase the yield. The application of rare earth elements, also known as rare earth micro-fertilizer or rare earth nitrate, is a new type of rare earth element fertilizer pioneered and popularized in China. In the seedling stage and the first flowering stage of soybean, spraying the rare earth solution with a concentration of 0.03%, 0.04% and 0.08%, respectively, can increase the grain protein content by 5.

  • Chemical control technology of growing soybean

    Chemical control technology of growing soybean

    Using chemical technology to control cultivation is a new technology in agricultural production. The chemical control cultivation of soybean can regulate the growth and development of the plant, increase the flower, protect the pod and increase the yield. The application of rare earth is also called rare earth micro-fertilizer or rare earth nitrate, the trade name is Chang.

    2020-11-08 Seed soybean chemical control technology use chemistry control
  • The fruit of rare weeds in the mountains is called Tianzhu Root and Earth Pearl, which is known as Shennongjia holy medicine.

    The fruit of rare weeds in the mountains is called Tianzhu Root and Earth Pearl, which is known as Shennongjia holy medicine.

    In China's Shennongjia primeval forest, there are not only legends of "savages", but also countless kinds of rare plants. In particular, all kinds of Chinese herbal medicine are legendary, such as a flower with seven leaves, a bowl of water by the river, and a head.

  • Peanut late spraying foliar fertilizer benefits more

    Peanut late spraying foliar fertilizer benefits more

    Peanut late spraying foliar fertilizer benefits more

  • 10 measures to increase soybean production

    10 measures to increase soybean production

    1. Interseedling: on the basis of the whole seedling, soybean seedlings are carried out when two opposite leaves are unfolded, and the yield is generally increased by 10-20%. 2. Pressing seedlings: when the first compound leaf of some soybean seedlings is unfolded, choose a sunny day at noon and use animal power or machine to induce wood to press along the ridge, which can increase the yield by 8.5-10%. 3. Heart picking: in the early flowering or full flowering stage of soybean, about 2 cm of the top of the main stem is removed by hand, which can increase the yield by 7.2% and 10.8%. 4. application of rare earth: 2 kg of rare earth for every 1 kg of soybean seed, or concentrated at seedling stage and early flowering stage of soybean

  • Ten ways to increase the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Ten ways to increase the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus

    The main results are as follows: 1. During the formation and development of Pleurotus ostreatus fruiting body, the temperature difference stimulation of 7 to 12 ℃ per day can promote the early emergence of mushroom and the orderly development of fruiting body. The specific methods are as follows: covering the film for heat preservation during the day, opening the film in the sunny evening or in the morning, ventilating and cooling to increase the temperature difference, and combined with high humidity management to induce mushroom production. 2. the high humidity stimulation method first opens the bacterial bed (or clove) to dry for 1 / 2 days, and then sprays water 2 / 3 times a day for 2 / 3 days to slowly absorb water and culture medium on the surface of the fungus.

  • Rehmannia glutinosa is everywhere.

    Rehmannia glutinosa is everywhere.

    Rehmannia glutinosa is a northern plant. It is no exaggeration to say that it is everywhere. In fact, there is also a plant of the genus Rehmannia in the south-Tianmu Rehmannia. I once wrote a tweet for him. Tianmu Rehmannia glutinosa is a rare plant. ...

  • Secret recipe for weight gain of broilers

    Secret recipe for weight gain of broilers

    In order to gain weight, broilers can be fed with seasoning, antibiotics, reserpine, rare earth, cooked corn meal, moxa powder, earthworms, sterile fly maggots, multi-enzyme tablets, methionine, fat chicken powder and so on.

    2020-11-08 Broiler weight gain secret recipe abstract broiler if you want to gain weight you can use
  • How does wolfberry tree protect flowers and fruits?

    How does wolfberry tree protect flowers and fruits?

    How does wolfberry tree protect flowers and fruits? What method can prevent medlar tree to drop flower to drop fruit effectively? Also ask netizens to help introduce serious flower and fruit drop is an important reason affecting the yield of wolfberry, planting net sorted out several methods of flower and fruit protection of wolfberry tree, listed in detail below for netizens 'reference. Method...

  • Grasp the source and improve the quality of tea again

    Grasp the source and improve the quality of tea again

    A national seminar on ecological tea garden construction with the theme of exploring ecological planting to ensure source safety was held in Beijing a few days ago. Participants in the industry focused on how to strengthen tea garden construction and further improve tea quality and safety for in-depth discussion. Building Ecological Tea from Bit by Bit

    2016-03-20 seize the source let the quality of tea and then upgrade in order to explore
  • What are the soil classifications in China?

    What are the soil classifications in China?

    What are the soil classifications in China?

  • Ten ways to increase soybean production

    Ten ways to increase soybean production

    First, when the soil moisture is sufficient for seedling replanting and the time can catch up, soak the seeds with the original varieties for 2-3 hours and then replant; although the soil moisture is sufficient, the farming time is already late, you can speed up budding and replanting or replanting with precocious varieties; if the replanting time cannot catch up, seedlings with not less than one compound leaf can be taken and transplanted with soil as early as possible in cloudy or sunny afternoons, and watered immediately after planting to facilitate survival. Second, if the soybean has the trend of overgrowth or greedy green late maturity, the top of the main stem can be removed about 2 cm at the early or full flowering stage of the soybean. Or use sharp iron about 33 centimeters long
